Vocabulary: AQD - Assessment Threshold Exceedance

Folder aq (Air Quality Directive e-Reporting)
Identifier assessmentthresholdexceedance
Label AQD - Assessment Threshold Exceedance
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/aq/assessmentthresholdexceedance/
Registration status Released 26 May 2016 08:47:34
Type Common
  • AQD Decision 2011/850/EU
  • 0.0

Bound elements for concepts

No bound elements found.

Vocabulary concepts

6 concepts found, displaying all concepts.
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
LAT-UAT Between Lower and Upper Assessment ā€¦ Valid 22.03.2013 LAT-UAT
NA Not ApplicableĀ  Valid 22.03.2013 NA
aboveLTO Above the long-term objective Valid 06.06.2013 aboveLTO
aboveUAT Above Upper Assessment Threshold (>UAT) Valid 22.03.2013 aboveUAT
belowLAT Below Lower Assessment Threshold (<LAT) Valid 22.03.2013 belowLAT
belowLTO Below the long-term objective Valid 06.06.2013 belowLTO