Vocabulary: Criteria which were given special consideration when setting permit conditions on the basis of BAT not described in BAT conclusions.

Folder IEDAnnexIIModule3 (IED Annex II Module 3 (Sectoral spotlight of IED installation – BAT conclusion implementation))
Identifier CriteriaCode
Label Criteria which were given special consideration when setting permit conditions on the basis of BAT not described in BAT conclusions.
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/IEDAnnexIIModule3/CriteriaCode/
Registration status Public draft 23 Jan 2018 20:46:53
Type Common

Bound elements for concepts

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Vocabulary concepts

12 concepts found, displaying all concepts.
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
01 Use of low-waste technology Valid 11.01.2018 01
02 Use of less hazardous substances Valid 11.01.2018 02
03 Furthering of recovery and recycling of … Valid 11.01.2018 03
04 Comparable processes, facilities or … Valid 11.01.2018 04
05 Technological advances and changes in … Valid 11.01.2018 05
06 Nature, effects and volume of the … Valid 11.01.2018 06
07 The commissioning dates for new or … Valid 11.01.2018 07
08 Length of time needed to introduce the … Valid 11.01.2018 08
09 Consumption and nature of raw materials … Valid 11.01.2018 09
10 Need to prevent or reduce to a minimum … Valid 11.01.2018 10
11 Need to prevent accidents and to … Valid 11.01.2018 11
12 Information published by public … Valid 11.01.2018 12