Vocabulary: Code list for substances to be reported under the E-PRTR Regulation following its Annex II.

Folder EPRTRandLCP (Code lists for the integrated reporting to the E-PRTR and Combustion Plants)
Identifier EPRTRPollutantCodeValue
Label Code list for substances to be reported under the E-PRTR Regulation following its Annex II.
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/EPRTRandLCP/EPRTRPollutantCodeValue/
Registration status Released 31 Aug 2020 14:20:40
Type Common

Bound elements for concepts

No bound elements found.

Vocabulary concepts

94 concepts found, displaying 1 to 20.FirstPrev12345Last
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
ALACHLOR Alachlor Valid 31.08.2020 ALACHLOR
ALDRIN Aldrin Valid 31.08.2020 ALDRIN
ANTHRACENE Anthracene Valid 31.08.2020 ANTHRACENE
ASANDCOMPOUNDS Arsenic and compounds (as As) Valid 31.08.2020 ASANDCOMPOUNDS
ASBESTOS Asbestos Valid 31.08.2020 ASBESTOS
ATRAZINE Atrazine Valid 31.08.2020 ATRAZINE
BENZENE Benzene Valid 31.08.2020 BENZENE
BENZO(G,H,I)PERYLENE Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Valid 31.08.2020 BENZO(G,H,I)PERYLENE
BLACKCARBON Black Carbon (BC) Valid 31.08.2020 BLACKCARBON
CDANDCOMPOUNDS Cadmium and compounds (as Cd) Valid 31.08.2020 CDANDCOMPOUNDS
CFCS Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Valid 31.08.2020 CFCS
CH4 Methane (CH4) Valid 31.08.2020 CH4
CHLORDECONE Chlordecone Valid 31.08.2020 CHLORDECONE
CHLORFENVINPHOS Chlorfenvinphos Valid 31.08.2020 CHLORFENVINPHOS
CHLORIDES Chlorides (as total Cl) Valid 31.08.2020 CHLORIDES
CHLORO-ALKANES(C10-13) Chloro-alkanes, C10-C13 Valid 31.08.2020 CHLORO-ALKANES(C10-13)
CHLORPYRIFOS Chlorpyrifos Valid 31.08.2020 CHLORPYRIFOS
CLORDANE Chlordane Valid 31.08.2020 CLORDANE
CO Carbon monoxide (CO) Valid 31.08.2020 CO