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<!-- edited with XMLSpy v2008 rel. 2 sp1 ( by wols1603 (Atkins Danmark A/S) -->
<xs:schema xmlns:fd="" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:dc="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
	<xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="FDCommon.xsd"/>
			<dc:Creator>Atkins Danmark</dc:Creator>
			<dc:Description>Reporting requirement for Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA) undetaken by the Member State.</dc:Description>
			<dc:Publisher>DG Environment, European Commission</dc:Publisher>
			<dc:Title>Floods Directive. Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA). Attribute Exchange Schema</dc:Title>
	<xs:element name="PFRA">
			<xs:documentation>Reporting requirement for Article 4 of the Floods Directive. Requires the Member States to undertake a Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA) for each river basin district, unit of management or the portion of an international river basin district or unit of management lying within their territory.</xs:documentation>
				<xs:element name="C_CD" type="fd:CountryCode">
						<xs:documentation>Two-letter ISO Country code</xs:documentation>
				<xs:element name="EUUOMCode" type="fd:FeatureUniqueEUCodeType">
						<xs:documentation>Unique EU code for the Unit of Management. Add the two-letter ISO Country code to the Member State unique id - up to 42 characters in total. If unit of management is the same as the WFD RBD please use the EURBDCode as the unit of management.</xs:documentation>
				<xs:element name="PFRAInformation">
						<xs:documentation>Information for at least one of the following option (art.4, art13.1.a or/and art13.1.b) shall be provided</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="Article4Applied" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:documentation>If Article 4 has been applied then please complete Summary Information and Flood Event Information. The Flood Event Information shall include data for each significant past flood and/or potential future significant floods, where available or readily derivable.</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="SpecificAreas" minOccurs="0">
												<xs:documentation>Provide spatial information on the specific areas in which Article 4 apply. If no specific area has been reported it is assumed that Article 4 is applied to the entire UoM.</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="SpecificArea" maxOccurs="unbounded">
																<xs:element name="SpecificAreaCode" type="fd:FeatureUniqueCodeType">
																		<xs:documentation>Unique code for the specific area - up to 40 characters in total. To be used to establish link between spatial feature (polygon/line/point) and information in xml schema.</xs:documentation>
																<xs:element name="NameofSpecificArea" type="fd:String250Type" minOccurs="0">
																		<xs:documentation>Name of the locality, river basin, sub-basin and/or coastal area or other areas  associated with article 4</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="TypeofFloods" minOccurs="0">
												<xs:documentation>Provide information on the specific flood types in which Article 4 apply. If no specific flood types have been reported it is assumed that Article 4 is applied to all flood types.</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="TypeofFlood" type="TypeofFloodType"/>
										<xs:element name="FloodEventInformation" type="FloodLocationsType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
										<xs:element name="PFRASummaryInformation">
												<xs:documentation>Please provide summary information for the PFRA</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="OverallApproach" type="fd:String10000Type">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 10,000 characters) of the overall approach and methodology applied to undertake the PFRA, or to meet the requirements of 13.1(a) as applicable</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="PastAdverseConsequences" type="fd:String5000Type">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 5,000 characters) of the methodology and criteria used to identify and assess floods that occurred in the past and their past adverse consequences (including whether such consequences would be ‘significant’) and whether the likelihood of such floods remains relevant</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="SignificantAdverseConsequences" type="fd:String5000Type">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 5,000 characters) of the methodology and criteria used to identify and assess significant floods that occurred in the past that would have significant adverse consequences were they to reoccur in the future</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="PotentialAdverseConsequences" type="fd:String5000Type">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 5,000 characters) of the methodology and criteria used to identify and assess potential future significant floods and their potential adverse consequences</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="LongTermDevelopments" type="fd:String5000Type">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 5,000 characters) of relevant long term developments that might affect the occurrence and significance of flooding and in particular the impacts of climate change, including the methods, records and studies used to assess such impacts</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="IssuesArticle4.2.d" type="fd:String5000Type">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 5,000 characters) of how each of the issues identified under Article 4(2)(d) were considered to support the assessment of potential adverse consequences of future floods, including information on the methodologies applied to consider those issues</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="NotConsideringIssuesArticle4.2.d" type="fd:String5000Type" minOccurs="0">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 5,000 characters) of, if relevant, the reasons for not considering any issue identified under Article 4.2(d) when assessing the potential adverse consequences of future floods</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="OtherRelevantInformation" type="fd:String5000Type" minOccurs="0">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 5,000 characters) of any other relevant available or readily-derivable information used in the PFRA</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="InternationalInformationExchange" type="fd:String5000Type" minOccurs="0">
															<xs:documentation>CONDITIONAL. Must provide summary text if UoM is an international UoM. The summery shal contain information on(less than 5000 characters) the institutional relationships established to ensure co-ordination where a flood event covers the territory of more than one Member State or includes the territory of non-Member States. Include reference to international agreements, if they exist, and links to further information.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="TransitionalMeasuresArt13.1.a" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:documentation>If Article 13.1a has been applied then please complete Summary Information and Flood Event Information. Member States may decide not to undertake the preliminary flood risk assessment referred to in Article 4 for those river basins, sub-basins or coastal areas where they have already undertaken a risk assessment to conclude, before 22 December 2010, that a potential significant flood risk exists or might be considered likely to occur leading to the identification of the area among those referred to in Article 5(1)</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="SpecificAreas" minOccurs="0">
												<xs:documentation>Provide spatial information on the specific areas in which Article 13.1.a apply. If no specific area has been reported it is assumed that Article 13.1.a applied to the entire UoM.</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="SpecificArea" maxOccurs="unbounded">
																<xs:element name="SpecificAreaCode" type="fd:FeatureUniqueCodeType">
																		<xs:documentation>Unique code for the specific area - up to 40 characters in total. To be used to establish link between spatial feature (polygon/line/point) and information in xml schema.</xs:documentation>
																<xs:element name="NameofSpecificArea" type="fd:String250Type" minOccurs="0">
																		<xs:documentation>Name of the locality, river basin, sub-basin and/or coastal area or other areas  associated with article 13.1.a</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="TypeofFloods" minOccurs="0">
												<xs:documentation>Provide information on the specific flood types in which Article 13.1.a apply. If no specific flood types have been reported it is assumed that Article 13.1.a is applied to all flood types.</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="TypeofFlood" type="TypeofFloodType"/>
										<xs:element name="FloodEventInformation" type="FloodLocationsType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
										<xs:element name="PFRASummaryInformation">
												<xs:documentation>Please provide summary information for the PFRA</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="OverallApproach" type="fd:String10000Type">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 10,000 characters) of the overall approach and methodology applied to undertake the PFRA, or to meet the requirements of 13.1(a) as applicable</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="PastAdverseConsequences" type="fd:String5000Type">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 5,000 characters) of the methodology and criteria used to identify and assess floods that occurred in the past and their past adverse consequences (including whether such consequences would be ‘significant’) and whether the likelihood of such floods remains relevant</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="SignificantAdverseConsequences" type="fd:String5000Type">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 5,000 characters) of the methodology and criteria used to identify and assess significant floods that occurred in the past that would have significant adverse consequences were they to reoccur in the future</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="PotentialAdverseConsequences" type="fd:String5000Type">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 5,000 characters) of the methodology and criteria used to identify and assess potential future significant floods and their potential adverse consequences</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="LongTermDevelopments" type="fd:String5000Type">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 5,000 characters) of relevant long term developments that might affect the occurrence and significance of flooding and in particular the impacts of climate change, including the methods, records and studies used to assess such impacts</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="IssuesArticle4.2.d" type="fd:String5000Type">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 5,000 characters) of how each of the issues identified under Article 4(2)(d) were considered to support the assessment of potential adverse consequences of future floods, including information on the methodologies applied to consider those issues</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="NotConsideringIssuesArticle4.2.d" type="fd:String5000Type" minOccurs="0">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 5,000 characters) of, if relevant, the reasons for not considering any issue identified under Article 4.2(d) when assessing the potential adverse consequences of future floods</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="OtherRelevantInformation" type="fd:String5000Type" minOccurs="0">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 5,000 characters) of any other relevant available or readily-derivable information used in the PFRA</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="InternationalInformationExchange" type="fd:String5000Type" minOccurs="0">
															<xs:documentation>CONDITIONAL. Must provide summary text if UoM is an international UoM. The summery shal contain information on(less than 5000 characters) the institutional relationships established to ensure co-ordination where a flood event covers the territory of more than one Member State or includes the territory of non-Member States. Include reference to international agreements, if they exist, and links to further information.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="TransitionalMeasuresArt13.1.b" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:documentation>Member States may decide not to undertake the preliminary flood risk assessment referred to in Article 4 for those river basins, sub-basins or coastal areas where they have decided, before 22 December 2010, to prepare flood hazard maps and flood risk maps and to establish flood risk management plans in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Directive.</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="SpecificAreas" minOccurs="0">
												<xs:documentation>Provide spatial information on the specific areas in which Article 13.1.b apply. If no specific area has been reported it is assumed that Article 13.1.b is applied to the entire UoM.</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="SpecificArea" maxOccurs="unbounded">
																<xs:element name="SpecificAreaCode" type="fd:FeatureUniqueCodeType">
																		<xs:documentation>Unique code for the specific area - up to 40 characters in total. To be used to establish link between spatial feature (polygon/line/point) and information in xml schema.</xs:documentation>
																<xs:element name="NameofSpecificArea" type="fd:String250Type" minOccurs="0">
																		<xs:documentation>Name of the locality, river basin, sub-basin and/or coastal area or other areas  associated with article 13.1.b</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="TypeofFloods" minOccurs="0">
												<xs:documentation>Provide information on the specific flood types in which Article 13.1.b apply. If no specific flood types have been reported it is assumed that Article 13.1.b is applied to all flood types.</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="TypeofFlood" type="TypeofFloodType"/>
										<xs:element name="FloodEventInformation" type="FloodLocationsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
										<xs:element name="PFRASummaryInformation" minOccurs="0">
												<xs:documentation>CONDITIONALITY: In the case that A13.1.b is applied for a part of the UoM/RBD or for a specific flood type, the summary texts are required.</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="OverallApproach" type="fd:String10000Type">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 10,000 characters) of the overall approach and methodology applied to undertake the PFRA, or to meet the requirements of 13.1(a) as applicable</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="PastAdverseConsequences" type="fd:String5000Type">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 5,000 characters) of the methodology and criteria used to identify and assess floods that occurred in the past and their past adverse consequences (including whether such consequences would be ‘significant’) and whether the likelihood of such floods remains relevant</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="SignificantAdverseConsequences" type="fd:String5000Type">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 5,000 characters) of the methodology and criteria used to identify and assess significant floods that occurred in the past that would have significant adverse consequences were they to reoccur in the future</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="PotentialAdverseConsequences" type="fd:String5000Type">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 5,000 characters) of the methodology and criteria used to identify and assess potential future significant floods and their potential adverse consequences</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="LongTermDevelopments" type="fd:String5000Type">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 5,000 characters) of relevant long term developments that might affect the occurrence and significance of flooding and in particular the impacts of climate change, including the methods, records and studies used to assess such impacts</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="IssuesArticle4.2.d" type="fd:String5000Type">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 5,000 characters) of how each of the issues identified under Article 4(2)(d) were considered to support the assessment of potential adverse consequences of future floods, including information on the methodologies applied to consider those issues</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="NotConsideringIssuesArticle4.2.d" type="fd:String5000Type" minOccurs="0">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 5,000 characters) of, if relevant, the reasons for not considering any issue identified under Article 4.2(d) when assessing the potential adverse consequences of future floods</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="OtherRelevantInformation" type="fd:String5000Type" minOccurs="0">
															<xs:documentation>Summary (less than 5,000 characters) of any other relevant available or readily-derivable information used in the PFRA</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="InternationalInformationExchange" type="fd:String5000Type" minOccurs="0">
															<xs:documentation>CONDITIONAL. Must provide summary text if UoM is an international UoM. The summery shal contain information on(less than 5000 characters) the institutional relationships established to ensure co-ordination where a flood event covers the territory of more than one Member State or includes the territory of non-Member States. Include reference to international agreements, if they exist, and links to further information.</xs:documentation>
				<xs:element name="METADATA" type="fd:String2000Type" minOccurs="0">
						<xs:documentation>Hyperlink or reference to associated metadata statement or file . This allows up to 2000 characters to be specified or alternatively may be used to provide a hyperlink or description of an associated metadata file. This should be used to define any restrictions on the data</xs:documentation>
				<xs:element name="URL" type="xs:anyURI" minOccurs="0">
						<xs:documentation>URL for integration of your own internet-based information</xs:documentation>
			<xs:attribute name="CreationDate" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
			<xs:attribute name="Creator" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
			<xs:attribute name="Email" type="xs:string"/>
			<xs:attribute name="Language" type="fd:LanguageCode" use="required"/>
			<xs:attribute name="Description" type="xs:string"/>
			<xs:attribute name="GeneratedBy" type="xs:string"/>
			<xs:attribute name="ClassificationCode" type="fd:DataConfidentialityClassificationCode"/>
	<xs:complexType name="FloodLocationsType">
			<xs:documentation>Structure to define flood locations</xs:documentation>
			<xs:element name="FloodLocation">
						<xs:element name="FloodLocationCode" type="fd:FeatureUniqueCodeTypeEX">
								<xs:documentation>Unique code for the flood location - up to 40 characters in total.  Can also be used as a identifier for multiple surface water bodies designated under the WFD which the flood location is represented by. A polygon/line/point can be reported as a representation of the flood location to establish link between spatial feature (eg. polygon) and information in xml schema. Possible to use the exceptions  -9999=Unknown, -8888=Yet to be measured, -7777=Not Applicable.</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="FloodLocationName" type="fd:String250Type" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>Name of the locality, river basin, sub-basin and/or coastal area.</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="EUSurfaceWaterBodyCodes" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>To be used if the flood location is represented by one or more surface water bodies designated under the WFD (Water Framework Directive)</xs:documentation>
									<xs:element name="EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode" type="fd:FeatureUniqueEUCodeType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
											<xs:documentation>Unique code for the Water Body used under the WFD. If the EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode is reported as a representation of the flood location no spatial data needs to be reported as this information is already reported under the WFD.</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="CrossBorderRelationship" type="fd:YesCode" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>Please indicate with "Y" (yes) if the flood location cross the national border or the unit of manegement</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="CrossBorderFloodLocationCode" type="fd:FeatureUniqueCodeTypeEX" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>CONDITIONAL. If the flood location cross the border to either a national or international unit of management please indicate the unique code for the related flood location. The exception types -9999=Unknown, -8888=Yet to be measured, -7777=Not Applicable can be used.</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="FloodEventCodes" maxOccurs="unbounded">
									<xs:element name="FloodEventCode" type="fd:FeatureUniqueCodeType">
											<xs:documentation>Unique code for the flood event - up to 40 characters in total.</xs:documentation>
									<xs:element name="NameofFloodEvent" type="fd:String250Type" minOccurs="0">
											<xs:documentation>Name of the flood event associated with the flood</xs:documentation>
									<xs:element name="OtherAssociatedFloodLocations" minOccurs="0">
											<xs:documentation>If the flood event is associated to more than one flood location - the associated flood locations can be entered using the FloodLocationCode as the unique identifier.</xs:documentation>
												<xs:element name="FloodLocationCode" type="fd:FeatureUniqueCodeTypeEX" maxOccurs="unbounded">
														<xs:documentation>Unique code for the flood location - up to 40 characters in total.  Can also be used as a identifier for multiple surface water bodies designated under the WFD which the flood location is represented by. A polygon/line/point can be reported as a representation of the flood location to establish link between spatial feature (eg. polygon) and information in xml schema. Possible to use the exceptions  -9999=Unknown, -8888=Yet to be measured, -7777=Not Applicable.</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="FloodData">
													<xs:element name="CategoryofFlood" type="fd:CategoryFloods">
															<xs:documentation>Can either be 'past flood' or 'potential future flood'</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="DateofCommencement" type="fd:DateTypeYearType" minOccurs="0">
															<xs:documentation>CONDITIONAL. If the answer to CategoryFlood is 'past flood' then give the date of commencement of the flood. Can be in the format 'yyyy' , 'yyyy-mm' and 'yyyy-mm-dd'. The exception types -9999=Unknown, -8888=Yet to be measured, -7777=Not Applicable can be used.</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="DurationofFlood" type="fd:NumberDecimalType" minOccurs="0">
															<xs:documentation>CONDITIONAL. If the answer to CategoryFlood is 'past flood' then give the number of days/part days (duration) of the flood. The exception types -9999=Unknown, -8888=Yet to be measured, -7777=Not Applicable can be used.</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="TypeofFlood" type="TypeofFloodType"/>
														<xs:element name="Area" type="fd:NumberDecimalType" minOccurs="0">
																<xs:documentation>Extent of land inundated. Indicate the total area in km2</xs:documentation>
														<xs:element name="Length" type="fd:NumberDecimalType" minOccurs="0">
																<xs:documentation>Inundated length of river stretches or coasts. Indicate the total lenght in km</xs:documentation>
														<xs:element name="Recurrence" type="fd:String50Type">
																<xs:documentation>The average number of years between floods of a certain size. Can also be reported as a range. The exception types -9999=Unknown, -8888=Yet to be measured, -7777=Not Applicable can be used.</xs:documentation>
														<xs:element name="Frequency" type="fd:String50Type">
																<xs:documentation>The statistical prediction of years between certain flood magnitude events. Can also be reported as a range.The exception types -9999=Unknown, -8888=Yet to be measured, -7777=Not Applicable can be used.</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="TypeofPotentialConsequences" type="TypeofPotentialConsequencesType"/>
													<xs:element name="OtherRelevantInformation" type="fd:String5000Type" minOccurs="0"/>
										<xs:element name="FloodNoData">
												<xs:documentation>In case Flood Information is not available or readily derivable for past floods that occurred before 22.12.2011, a summary text with description shall be provided for each event</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="SummaryFloodEvent" type="fd:String5000Type">
															<xs:documentation>A description (less than 5,000 characters) of each past flood and its adverse or potentially adverse consequences, including information equivalent of that of the data</xs:documentation>
	<xs:complexType name="TypeofFloodType">
			<xs:documentation>Structure to define type of floods</xs:documentation>
			<xs:element name="SourceofFlooding" type="fd:SourceofFlooding" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<xs:documentation>Indicate source of floods from enumeration list</xs:documentation>
			<xs:element name="OtherSource" type="fd:String250Type" minOccurs="0">
					<xs:documentation>CONDITIONAL. Provide a description if type is set to 'Other' (A16) under Source in the enumeration list</xs:documentation>
			<xs:element name="MechanismofFlooding" type="fd:MechanismofFlooding" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<xs:documentation>Indicate the mechanism of flooding from the enumeration list</xs:documentation>
			<xs:element name="OtherMechanism" type="fd:String250Type" minOccurs="0">
					<xs:documentation>CONDITIONAL. Provide a description if type is set to 'Other' (A25) under Mechanism in the enumeration list</xs:documentation>
			<xs:element name="CharacteristicsofFlooding" type="fd:CharacteristicsofFlooding" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<xs:documentation>Indicate the characteristics of flooding from the enumeration list</xs:documentation>
			<xs:element name="OtherCharacteristics" type="fd:String250Type" minOccurs="0">
					<xs:documentation>CONDITIONAL. Provide a description if type is set to 'Other' (A39) under Characteristics in the enumeration list</xs:documentation>
	<xs:complexType name="TypeofPotentialConsequencesType">
			<xs:documentation>Structure to define type of potential consequences</xs:documentation>
			<xs:element name="HumanHealthSocial" maxOccurs="unbounded">
						<xs:element name="TypeHumanHealth" type="fd:TypeHumanHealth" default="B14">
								<xs:documentation>Indicate consequence from enumeration list</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="OtherConsequenceDescription" type="fd:String250Type" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>CONDITIONAL. Only to be used if the type is set to 'Other' in the enumeration list</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="Fatalities" type="fd:NumberNonNegativeIntegerType" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>Only for past floods. If possible indicate number of individuals fatality affected as direct consequence of flood</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="FatalitiesDescription" type="fd:String1000Type" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>Only for past floods.Provide a description of the method behind calculating number of fatalities - eg. short term or long term due to injuries.</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="Degree_TotalDamage" type="fd:String50Type" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>The total damage cost in Euros for the flood event. Can also be reported as a range. The exception types -9999=Unknown, -8888=Yet to be measured, -7777=Not Applicable can be used.</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="Degree_TotalDamageGDP" type="fd:String50Type" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>The total damage in percentage of the total GDP for the flood event. Can also be reported as a range. The exception types -9999=Unknown, -8888=Yet to be measured, -7777=Not Applicable can be used.</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="Degree_TotalDamageClass" type="fd:TotalDamageClass" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>The total damage defined by the classes: Insignificnt(I), Low(L), Medium(M), High(H), Very high (VH), Not Applicable (NA), Unknown (U).</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="OtherDamageDescription" type="fd:String1000Type" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>Other numerical measure indicative of degree of (potentially) adverse consequences</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="Summary" type="fd:String10000Type" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>Provide a summary text (less than 10.000 characters) on how the degree of the specific consequences have been defined.</xs:documentation>
			<xs:element name="Environment" maxOccurs="unbounded">
						<xs:element name="TypeEnvironment" type="fd:TypeEnvironment" default="B25">
								<xs:documentation>Indicate consequence from enumeration list</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="OtherConsequenceDescription" type="fd:String250Type" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>Only to be used if the type is set to 'Other' in the enumeration list</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="Degree_TotalDamage" type="fd:String50Type" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>The total damage cost in Euros for the flood event. Can also be reported as a range. The exception types -9999=Unknown, -8888=Yet to be measured, -7777=Not Applicable can be used.</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="Degree_TotalDamageGDP" type="fd:String50Type" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>The total damage in percentage of the total GDP for the flood event. Can also be reported as a range. The exception types -9999=Unknown, -8888=Yet to be measured, -7777=Not Applicable can be used.</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="Degree_TotalDamageClass" type="fd:TotalDamageClass" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>The total damage defined by the classes: Insignificnt(I), Low(L), Medium(M), High(H), Very high (VH), Not Applicable (NA), Unknown (U).</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="OtherDamageDescription" type="fd:String1000Type" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>Other numerical measure indicative of degree of (potentially) adverse consequences</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="Summary" type="fd:String10000Type" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>Provide a summary text (less than 10.000 characters) on how the degree of the specific consequences have been defined.</xs:documentation>
			<xs:element name="CulturalHeritage" maxOccurs="unbounded">
						<xs:element name="TypeCulturalHeritage" type="fd:TypeCulturalHeritage" default="B33">
								<xs:documentation>Indicate consequence from enumeration list</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="OtherConsequenceDescription" type="fd:String250Type" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>Only to be used if the type is set to 'Other' in the enumeration list</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="Degree_TotalDamage" type="fd:String50Type" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>The total damage cost in Euros for the flood event. Can also be reported as a range. The exception types -9999=Unknown, -8888=Yet to be measured, -7777=Not Applicable can be used.</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="Degree_TotalDamageGDP" type="fd:String50Type" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>The total damage in percentage of the total GDP for the flood event. Can also be reported as a range. The exception types -9999=Unknown, -8888=Yet to be measured, -7777=Not Applicable can be used.</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="Degree_TotalDamageClass" type="fd:TotalDamageClass" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>The total damage defined by the classes: Insignificnt(I), Low(L), Medium(M), High(H), Very high (VH), Not Applicable (NA), Unknown (U).</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="OtherDamageDescription" type="fd:String1000Type" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>Other numerical measure indicative of degree of (potentially) adverse consequences</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="Summary" type="fd:String10000Type" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>Provide a summary text (less than 10.000 characters) on how the degree of the specific consequences have been defined.</xs:documentation>
			<xs:element name="EconomicActivity" maxOccurs="unbounded">
						<xs:element name="TypeEconomicActivity" type="fd:TypeEconomic" default="B46">
								<xs:documentation>Indicate consequence from enumeration list</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="OtherConsequenceDescription" type="fd:String250Type" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>Only to be used if the type is set to 'Other' in the enumeration list</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="Degree_TotalDamage" type="fd:String50Type" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>The total damage cost in Euros for the flood event. Can also be reported as a range. The exception types -9999=Unknown, -8888=Yet to be measured, -7777=Not Applicable can be used.</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="Degree_TotalDamageGDP" type="fd:String50Type" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>The total damage in percentage of the total GDP for the flood event. Can also be reported as a range. The exception types -9999=Unknown, -8888=Yet to be measured, -7777=Not Applicable can be used.</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="Degree_TotalDamageClass" type="fd:TotalDamageClass" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>The total damage defined by the classes: Insignificnt(I), Low(L), Medium(M), High(H), Very high (VH), Not Applicable (NA), Unknown (U).</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="OtherDamageDescription" type="fd:String1000Type" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>Other numerical measure indicative of degree of (potentially) adverse consequences</xs:documentation>
						<xs:element name="Summary" type="fd:String10000Type" minOccurs="0">
								<xs:documentation>Provide a summary text (less than 10.000 characters) on how the degree of the specific consequences have been defined.</xs:documentation>

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