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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- edited with XMLSpy v2009 sp1 ( by Atkins (Atkins Danmark A/S) -->
<xs:schema xmlns:fd="" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:dc="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
	<xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="FDCommon.xsd"/>
			<dc:Creator>Atkins Danmark</dc:Creator>
			<dc:Description>Reporting requirement for all identified Areas with Potential Significant Flood Risk (APSFR) that have been designated within the Member State.</dc:Description>
			<dc:Publisher>DG Environment, European Commission</dc:Publisher>
			<dc:Title>Floods Directive. Identification of Areas with Potential Significant Flood Risk (APSFR). Attribute Exchange Schema</dc:Title>
	<xs:element name="APSFR">
			<xs:documentation>Reporting requirement for Article 5 of the Floods Directive. Requires the Member States to identify those areas for which they conclude that potential significant flood risk exist or might be considered likely to occur for each river basin district, unit of management or the portion of an international river basin district or unit of management lying within their territory.</xs:documentation>
				<xs:element name="C_CD" type="fd:CountryCode">
						<xs:documentation>Two-letter ISO Country code</xs:documentation>
				<xs:element name="EUUOMCode" type="fd:FeatureUniqueEUCodeType">
						<xs:documentation>Unique EU code for the Unit of Management. Add the two-letter ISO Country code to the Member State unique id - up to 42 characters in total</xs:documentation>
				<xs:element name="AreasofFloodRisk" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
						<xs:documentation>CONDITIONAL. Shall be reported if article 4 and/or article 13.1.a has been applied</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="APSFRCode" type="fd:FeatureUniqueEUCodeType">
									<xs:documentation>Unique EU code for the area of potential significant flood risk. Add the two-letter ISO Country code to the Member State unique id - up to 42 characters in total</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="NameofAPSFR" type="fd:String250Type">
									<xs:documentation>Name of the river basin, sub-basin and/or coastal area or other areas associated with each area of potential significant flood risk</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="CrossBorderRelationship" type="fd:YesCode" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:documentation>Please indicate with "Y" (yes) if the APSFR cross the national border or the unit of manegement</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="CrossBorderAPSFRCode" type="fd:FeatureUniqueCodeTypeEX" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:documentation>CONDITIONAL. If the APSFR cross the border to either a national or international unit of management please indicate the unique code for the related APSFR. The exception types -9999=Unknown, -8888=Yet to be measured, -7777=Not Applicable can be used.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="LAT" type="fd:CoordinateType" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:documentation>Latitude in ETRS89 of the centroid of the area with potential significant flood risk. When linear or area entities are represented as points (centroids) these should be ‘geometric’ centroids in the sense that the point should fall inside a polygon representation or for linear features be a point on the line</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="LON" type="fd:CoordinateType" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:documentation>Longitude in ETRS89 of the centroid of the area with potential significant flood risk. When linear or area entities are represented as points (centroids) these should be ‘geometric’ centroids in the sense that the point should fall inside a polygon representation or for linear features be a point on the line</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="TypeofFloods">
										<xs:element name="SourceofFlooding" type="fd:SourceofFlooding" maxOccurs="unbounded">
												<xs:documentation>Indicate source of floods from enumeration list</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="OtherSource" type="fd:String250Type" minOccurs="0">
												<xs:documentation>CONDITIONAL. Provide a description if type is set to 'Other' (A16) under Source in the enumeration list</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="MechanismofFlooding" type="fd:MechanismofFlooding" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
												<xs:documentation>Indicate the mechanism of flooding from the enumeration list</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="OtherMechanism" type="fd:String250Type" minOccurs="0">
												<xs:documentation>CONDITIONAL. Provide a description if type is set to 'Other' (A25) under Mechanism in the enumeration list</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="CharacteristicsofFlooding" type="fd:CharacteristicsofFlooding" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
												<xs:documentation>Indicate the characteristics of flooding from the enumeration list</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="OtherCharacteristics" type="fd:String250Type" minOccurs="0">
												<xs:documentation>CONDITIONAL. Provide a description if type is set to 'Other' (A37) under Characteristics in the enumeration list</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="TypeofPotentialConsequences">
										<xs:element name="HumanHealthSocial">
													<xs:element name="TypeHumanHealth" type="fd:TypeHumanHealth" maxOccurs="unbounded">
															<xs:documentation>Indicate consequence from enumeration list</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="OtherConsequenceDescription" type="fd:String250Type" minOccurs="0">
															<xs:documentation>Only to be used if the type is set to 'Other' in the enumeration list</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="Environment">
													<xs:element name="TypeEnvironment" type="fd:TypeEnvironment" maxOccurs="unbounded">
															<xs:documentation>Indicate consequence from enumeration list</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="OtherConsequenceDescription" type="fd:String250Type" minOccurs="0">
															<xs:documentation>Only to be used if the type is set to 'Other' in the enumeration list</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="CulturalHeritage">
													<xs:element name="TypeCulturalHeritage" type="fd:TypeCulturalHeritage" maxOccurs="unbounded">
															<xs:documentation>Indicate consequence from enumeration list</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="OtherConsequenceDescription" type="fd:String250Type" minOccurs="0">
															<xs:documentation>Only to be used if the type is set to 'Other' in the enumeration list</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="EconomicActivity">
													<xs:element name="TypeEconomicActivity" type="fd:TypeEconomic" maxOccurs="unbounded">
															<xs:documentation>Indicate consequence from enumeration list</xs:documentation>
													<xs:element name="OtherConsequenceDescription" type="fd:String250Type" minOccurs="0">
															<xs:documentation>Only to be used if the type is set to 'Other' in the enumeration list</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="GeneralAdditionalComments" type="fd:String5000Type" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:documentation>If necessary, additional comments may be introduced to explain the data and information provided (less than 5000 characters).</xs:documentation>
				<xs:element name="SummaryofMethodology" type="fd:String20000Type" minOccurs="0">
						<xs:documentation>CONDITIONAL. To be provided if article 4 and/or 13.1.a. Optional for article 13.1.b. Description (less than 20,000 characters) of the methodology (including criteria for the determination of significant flood risk, reasons and criteria for the exclusion or inclusion of areas and how the consequences to human health, environment, cultural heritage and economic activity have been considered) for the identification of potential significant flood risk areas</xs:documentation>
				<xs:element name="SummaryofCoordination" type="fd:String5000Type" minOccurs="0">
						<xs:documentation>CONDITIONAL. To be provided if article 4 and/or 13.1.a have been applied and if APSFR is part of a international APSFR.  Optional for article 13.1.b. Description (less than 5,000 characters) of international coordination that has taken place between relevant MSs within international RBDs or international units of management</xs:documentation>
				<xs:element name="METADATA" type="fd:String2000Type" minOccurs="0">
						<xs:documentation>Hyperlink or reference to associated metadata statement or file . This allows up to 2000 characters to be specified or alternatively may be used to provide a hyperlink or description of an associated metadata file. This should be used to define any restrictions on the data</xs:documentation>
				<xs:element name="URL" type="xs:anyURI" minOccurs="0">
						<xs:documentation>URL for integration of your own internet-based information</xs:documentation>
			<xs:attribute name="CreationDate" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
			<xs:attribute name="Creator" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
			<xs:attribute name="Email" type="xs:string"/>
			<xs:attribute name="Language" type="fd:LanguageCode" use="required"/>
			<xs:attribute name="Description" type="xs:string"/>
			<xs:attribute name="GeneratedBy" type="xs:string"/>
			<xs:attribute name="ClassificationCode" type="fd:DataConfidentialityClassificationCode"/>

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