Concept: the species is not a huntable species according to Annex II of the Birds Directive and/or according to the Bern Convention in the derogationjustification vocabulary

Concept URI
Preferred label the species is not a huntable species according to Annex II of the Birds Directive and/or according to the Bern Convention
Definition the species is not a huntable species according to Annex II of the Birds Directive and/or according to the Bern Convention
Notation 1
Status Valid
Status Modified 2014-09-08
Accepted Date 2014-09-08
Not Accepted Date
Preferred label
  • Die Art ist keine bejagbare Art gemäß Anhang II der Vogelschutzrichtlinie bzw. dem Berner Übereinkommen. [de]
  • povolení lovu druhu, který nepatří mezi lovné druhy podle přílohy II směrnice o ptácích a/nebo podle Bernské úmluvy [cs]
  • the species is not a huntable species according to Annex II of the Birds Directive and/or according to the Bern Convention [en]