View table

There are 0 QA scripts and 4 conversion scripts registered for this table.
Link to the schema page on XMLCONV
Identifier Characterisation
Short name Characterisation
Dataset BWD - Monitoring - 2019
Reference URL
Name Characterisation of the bathing water


Element name Datatype Element type
* Bathing season (season) C  (PK) gYear Quantitative
* Identifier of the Bathing Water (bathingWaterIdentifier) C  (PK) string Quantitative
Identifier of the group of bathing waters (groupIdentifier) string Quantitative
* Bathing water quality classification (qualityClass) reference Vocabulary
* Special geographical constraint (geographicalConstraint) boolean Fixed values
Link to bathing water profile (link) string Quantitative
Remarks (Remarks) C string Quantitative
(an asterisk in front of element name indicates that the element is mandatory in this table)
(the C sign marks a common element)